Pig production   

Unique genetics and modern facilities

Our herd is based on the unique Danish genetics, which ensures high fertility, large litters of robust and viable piglets, excellent feed conversion, low slaughter loss and a high meat percentage. We use the newest genetics and continue in a strictly controlled production of young gilts.

We have 8,900 sows and 1,600 pregnant gilts in our Nagy Dur stables. Piglets after reaching the weight of 7 kg, are weaned and moved to our weaners farm in Vrbina. After seven weeks, the weaners are sold or transported to one of our fattening farms.

The fattening farm in Dolny Stal has been in operation since 2003 and contains approximately 18,000 pigs, whereas the farm in Velke Kosihy was built in 2014 with a capacity of 23,000 pigs.

All facilities are well maintained and live up to the high European standards for animal welfare, environmental protection and biosafety.

GALLERY: Pictures from our sow, weaner and fattener farms