
At Dan-Slovakia Agrar we base all relations between company and employee on transparency, mutual trust and respect. Naturally, we also follow the UN declaration of Human Rights.

We are proud to work with so many loyal and talented employees and greatly appreciate their contribution to the company’s success.

Equal opportunities

We follow the principle of equal opportunity in regards to our hiring and promotion procedures. We do not discriminate based on race or gender, and we give everyone an equal chance.

Benefits and personal development

We offer a wide range of different financial and non-financial employee benefits, all adjusted to the needs and requirements of our employees.

In addition, we place importance on professional growth and personal development. For instance, we run a popular leadership program for employees with suited ambitions and talents.

Ethical principles

We maintain a professional approach and demand mutual respect for ethical principles in the day-to-day operation of our company, both in internal and external relations.

Work environment

We find it essential to ensure a pleasant and safe work environment for all our employees. Hence, we adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Standards (OHS) and use innovative technology and tools on our farms to avoid accidents.